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"Numbers 2 - Addition and Multiplication"

Beginning Crossword Puzzle

Directions: Complete the crossword, then click on "Check" to check your answer. If you are stuck, you can click on "Hint" to get a free letter. Click on a number in the grid to enter your answer for that number.

     2      3           
5           6           
 8           9          
 10      11      12           
   14    15               


2.20 + 20 =
4.3 + 3 =
5.20 + 80 =
6.1 + 0 =
7.20 + 20 =
8.15 x 2 =
9.0 + 0 =
10.50 + 40 =
13.30 + 20 =
15.4 x 2 =
16.5 + 4 =
17.5 x 2 =


1.30 + 40 =
3.1 + 1 =
4.7 + 0 =
7.2 + 2 =
8.10 x 2 =
11.2 + 1 =
12.30 + 30 =
14.4 + 1 =