"Prepositions" Intermediate Crossword Puzzle Directions: Complete the crossword, then click on "Check" to check your answer. If you are stuck, you can click on "Hint" to get a free letter. Click on a number in the grid to enter your answer for that number.
Check Across: 2. Lunch comes __________ breakfast. 3. We used our windshield wipers as we drove ____________ the pouring rain. 4. The temperature in Vostock, Antartica can fall to 125 degrees __________ zero. That’s cold! 5. The computer sits _____ the desk. 6. Everyone stood __________ the fire to get warm. 9. Water flows ________ a bridge. 10. The lights shine ______ us. 11. We learn English _____ the Community College. 12. Fish swim ______ the ocean.
Down: 1. 27 comes __________ 28. 3. Ko is taller ______ Linda. 4. The mouse is __________ the computer. 6. It’s a good idea to look both ways before you walk __________ the street. 7. A synonym for “close to”. 8. Alyosha is going _____ the mall. 9. The library doesn’t close ________ 8:30 pm.