
Present Tense Exercise 22

Directions: Fill in the spaces with the correct form of the verb in simple present tense or present progressive tense.

Example: I (watch) watch a lot of movies.    simple present tense
I (watch) am watching a movie now.    present progressive tense
Example: You / We / They (play) play games every day.    simple present tense
You / We / They (play) are playing a game now.    present progressive tense
He / She / It (eat) eats eggs for breakfast.    simple present tense
Example: He / She / It (eat) is eating an egg now.    present progressive tense

1) Right now I (watch) a movie. I (watch) a lot of movies.

2) Rickie (be) my friend. We (like) to talk together. Right now we (talk) about school.

3) The police officer (wear) a badge and a gun to work every day.

4) Jaime usually (eat) cereal for breakfast, but today he (eat) oatmeal instead.

5) Alison and I (study) for the exam. We (not, want) to fail it!

6) Jonas (sing) in the band. Veda (play) the guitar.

7) My uncle (live) in Tennessee. I (live) in North Carolina.

8) My mom (cook) dinner tonight. (You, want) to eat with us?

9) Tiffany and Mark (travel) to Spain this summer.

10) We (read) the newspaper every morning.