Teaching students to read and think critically
Online Reading Comprehension

About Us

ReadTheory is an online English language resource designed for grade school (K-12), General Educational Development (GED), English as a Second Language (ESL), and all interested in advancing their knowledge of the English language. We offer a large variety of accurate and concise skill building exercises geared towards a range of ability levels. We hope you find our resources visually appealing, straightforward, easy to locate, and able to capture the essence of the English language. No registration is required to access the resources presented on our website.

Our online reading comprehension exercises are continuously being tested and refined in a classroom setting in order to maximize their comprehensibility and fluidity. The internet seemed to be the best platform for launching an English resource of this type due to its free and widely accessible nature. The website's plain display and straightforward navigation structure make it easy for first time users and novice English speakers to understand. Although this website is set up to be as helpful to students as possible, teachers and parents may find it especially so. They should be able to locate resources appropriate for use in class or increase their familiarity with a particular facet of English grammar with minimal effort. Unfortunately, there are too many learners to provide everyone with an English textbook. ReadTheory is an endeavor to overcome this obstacle by providing educational materials which don’t involve the ponderous and expensive resources traditionally considered requisite for English education. Users can view, share, or print just what they need without having a full textbook on hand.

For comments/questions, please email or visit our English forums. Your comments are very valuable to us and are an integral part of the resource creation process. You may view our privacy policy here as well as our terms of service here. Thank you for visiting ReadTheory. We hope you have a wonderful educational experience.

Tanner Hock

ReadTheory Writer / Webmaster